SC - Re: shmoos and yams....

Nisha Martin nishamartin at
Wed Nov 1 09:11:26 PST 2000

Good morning from Eden freshly back from 4 weeks in Europe.

Jadwiga wrote:
> Of course, it's easy to get into a conversation that consists
> entirely of
> what I call 'reference trading', which basically
> re-capitualtes a ot of
> the discussions on period topics, and which would in my opinion make a
> great SCA card game: perhaps a competitive sport ofr laurels.
> (you could
> do a set of cards with kingdom law, corpora and GP&D on it
> for pelicans.)
> As in, Mistress X plays a Markham on sauces; Master Y tops it
> with a de
> Nola on sauces; Mistress Z changes the topic suit with a de Nola on
> agriculture...

this reminds me of the dinner party game we invented recently.  Someone on
this list had mentioned the Gillian Riley "rennaisance Recipes" book, but
couldn't remember the name & so described it physically.  I was mentioning
this at dinner with a bunch of other period cookbook collectors & it just
blossomed naturally into the 'describe a book by it's color(s) size &
binding and everyone else has to guess which one it is' game.  "what's small
red and hardbound?" for 'Fit for a Queen' etc.  Surprisingly cariadoc's
miscellany was a total stumper even though everyone had a copy.  We later
expanded out to non medieval cookbooks too where I was completely baffled by
our friend Jeff whose betty crocker is in reverse colors to mine :->

like spitting eggs - "it is a folly and the sport of cooks"
WARNING: Dates on the calendar are closer than they appear!

Eden Rain
raghead at

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