SC - seed markets?

Jenne Heise jenne at
Thu Nov 30 15:50:34 PST 2000

And it came to pass on 30 Nov 00, , that lilinah at wrote:

> I plan to serve Robin's Cider Sauce with Roast Pork Loin - about 35 
> lb for 80 people - in the Second Course.

Warning, Will Robinson!  Danger!  Danger!  I hope you're not 
planning to make one huge batch of sauce.  The cider sauce really 
has to be made in small batches.  You can double the recipe (and 
it will take about 1-3/4 hours to boil down) but anything more than 
that, and you're likely to have problems.  The good news is that it 
keeps for weeks in the refrigerator, so you can do a little each day.

> I've more-or-less multiplied up the recipe that Robin sent to the
> list, but it sure seems like a lot of sugar and whole nutmegs. Did
> i do my math wrong? 

I don't think so.  Keep in mind that this is basically a cider jelly.  
You're boiling it down to about half volume, and the sugar provides 
the thickening, along with the pectin in the cider.  The vinegar 
keeps it from being *too* sweet.  The whole nutmegs are removed 
after cooking, and do not flavor the sauce as much as ground 
nutmeg would.
> Apple Cider Sauce (Diego Granado, Libro del Arte de Cozina, 1599)
> As redacted by Lady Brighid ni Chiarainmka/Robin Carroll-Mann
> To make 1 cup:
> 2 cups sweet apple cider
> 1/2 lb. sugar
> 1/4 cup white wine vinegar
> 1/8 cup white wine
> 1/2 ounce cinnamon sticks
> 1/2 whole nutmeg
> 4 whole cloves
> Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and simmer over medium-low heat 
> about 45 minutes, until the volume is reduced by half and a candy 
> thermometer reads 220F (105C).  Strain through cheesecloth.  Pour 
> into a clean glass jar.  Refrigerate.
> My version multiplied by 40, intended to make about 40 cups/10 quarts/2.5 gal.
> 5 gallons sweet apple cider
> 20 lb. sugar (1 lb per 4 people?!?)
> 2-1/2 quarts white wine vinegar
> 5 cups white wine
> 1 lb cinnamon sticks
> 20 whole nutmegs
> 160 whole cloves
> This just doesn't look right to me... Help!

Ummm... are you really planning to make 1/2 cup per person?  It's 
strongly-flavored stuff, and a little goes a long way.  I wouldn't serve 
more than 1/4 cup per person.

> Thanks - the Feast is on Sunday December 10,

If you have not already planned to do this: start now.  Make small 
batches, perhaps a double batch on each burner, or farm some of 
them out to co-cooks.  Once cooled, they can be dumped into a 
larger container in the fridge.  Do *not* try to do a giant batch; it will 
take forever or a little longer.  If any of the sauce starts to 
crystalize and become grainy, you can treat it like honey -- nuke it, 
or place a jar in a pot of hot water until it clears up.

Good luck!

Lady Brighid ni Chiarain
Settmour Swamp, East (NJ)
mka Robin Carroll-Mann
harper at

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