SC - re - must

Karen tyrca at
Fri Nov 3 08:41:40 PST 2000

Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 11:49:02 -0600
From: "Alex Wollangk" <orion at>
Subject: RE: SC - must

> Isn't that what you call squished grapes, preparing them to 
make wine?

Actually, I've heard must used to describe any fermented 
beverage before
it's fermented.  In making mead and beer we also taked about 
ingredients to "the must."  Of course, in the context it could 
be a specific
vintning term being mis-applied as well since I have mostly 
brewed with
people who, while successfull, haven't been formally trained to 

Bran MacDavid
mka Alex Wollangk
Jararvellir, Northshield, Midrealm
mka Madison, WI


Actually, as yeast was not --specifically-- an ingredient in
medieval brewing and baking, the beer or wine was prepared, and
then set out uncovered so that it would collect the correct
yeast beasties.  I have heard "must" referred to as the foam on
top of fermenting beverages, therefore, containing yeast.  Good
stuff to have if you are making bread.

(could be wrong, have been before, will be again.  Crazy world)


Lady Tyrca Ivarsdottir
- -"Honesty is Everything"
- -->-->-{(@)
AoA, OPN, ASTA, oleander
Canton of Lindenwood
(all sorts of places in and around Ft. Worth & Dallas, TX)
Kingdom of Ansteorra

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