SC - [Fwd: Postings]

Phil Anderson phil at
Wed Nov 8 18:39:55 PST 2000

Gwendolen writes:

> I don't know if anyone is having this problem, but I have noticed
> on numerous posts, I am getting HTML coding, and lots of it.  I don't know
> why this is happening.

It happens because some programs (Netscape?) that people use for 
email default to sending HTML as well as text. It's completely 
ridiculous for that to be the default setting, and whoever is originally 
responsible deserves to lose their kneecaps.

Some people are also using mail programs which append a fancy 
electronic signature of some sort to postings.

These two problems can be completely invisible to the people 
actually sending the emails, BTW -- they just show up to the large 
number of readers who are using different software.

> I've also noticed that in many postings, instead of snipping a pertinent
> portion of text that is being replied to, the entire text is being copied.

Indeed. There are several regular posters who do this consistently, 
and it's particularly awkward when they start responding to each 

Please, people, try to remember that if you're not trimming the 
message you're replying to, you're not doing things right! This 
problem is _not_ invisible to the people writing the email...

> Perhaps it's just me

No -- it's at least me too!

Edward Long-hair
Southron Gaard, Caid

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