SC - re cheddar

Bonne of Traquair oftraquair at
Wed Nov 15 18:42:32 PST 2000

>We have a statement from someone on the list that the process used to
>produce modern cheddar does not appear to be documentably period.
>We have a reference from a book on the web, that points to another book
>which allegedly claims that 'cheddar' cheese was first mentioned in 1500.
>Without going and getting the reference, we cannot know whether the
>original author's reference is to cheese produced at Cheddar, or to the
>cheddaring process, or something else!

I'm watching with interest to see if you come up with something more 
conclusive than last time.  I recall the result that time were that we have 
a 'period' reference to cheese from Cheddar, and a post-period description 
of the cheddaring process, and no idea of how long before the write up said 
process was in use.  Could have been a relatively new idea, or an old idea 
not previously recorded. No evidence either way.  Here's hoping you turn 
something up to satisfy the question.

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