SC - manual ? #4, #5

TG gloning at Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE
Sat Nov 11 18:54:00 PST 2000

<< Now, i can't guarantee that Chypre as i know it dates back to the
time of this manual, but it would be something to look into...
So the Chipre soap could be Chypre scented soap. Or maybe it's a soap
imported from or imputed to be from Cyprus... >>

There are several handbooks for merchants of spices and drogues of the
14th and 15th centuries. From the list of products given in the Gual
Camarena article (1964) I take it, that "ensens" (incense) or "sabó de
Xipre" (Cyprus soap) are mentioned or described in Italian and Catalan
merchant manuals of the 14th and 15th centuries. Thus, Cyprus soap seems
to have been kind of a standard product of a 15th century merchant of
the iberian peninsula. In 1981, Miguel Gual Camarena published a
transcription of this text, and it might be helpful to look what this
text (and the other ones of this type) says about "sabó de Xipre" and
the other ingredients.

(The following references are gathered from the Gual Camarena article of
1964; the information about his transcription is from the Copac
- -- Gual Camarena, Miguel: Un manual Catalán de mercadería (1455; Libre
de conexenses de spicies, e de drogues e de avissaments de pessos, canes
e massures de diverses terres). In: Anuario de Estudio Medievales 1
(Barcelona 1964) 431-450.
- -- Gual Camarena, Miguel (ed.): El primer manual hispanico de mercaderia
(siglo XIV). Barcelona 1981 (Anuario de estudios medievales, Anejos 10).
- -- Pegolotti, Fr.B.: La pratica della mercatura. Ed. A. Evans.
Cambridge, Mass. 1936. Reprint New York 1970.
- -- Sapori, Arm.: La cultura del mercante medievale italiano. Florenz
- -- Uzzano, Giov. di Antonio da: La pratica della mercatura (1442). In:
G.F. Pagnini della Ventura: Della decima e di varie altre gravezze
imposte dal comune di Firenza, della moneta e della mercatura
de'Fiorentini, fino al secolo XVI. Vol. IV. Lissabon 1766.
- -- Borlandi, Aurora (ed.): Il manuale di mercatura di Saminiato de'Ricci
(1396). ???.
- -- Borlandi, Fr. (ed.): El libro di mercatantie et usanze de'paesi [ca.
1458; attr. a Giorgio di Lorenzo Chiarini]. Turin 1936.
- -- Cessi, R./ Luzzatto, G. (eds.): Tarifa zoè noticia dy pexi e mexure
di luogi e tere che s'adovra marcadantia per el mondo. Venedig 1925.)

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