SC - Kitchen Authorization

Decker, Margaret margaret at Health.State.OK.US
Wed Nov 29 13:02:45 PST 2000

- -Offering a class at University or at local meetings in kitchen safety, 
equipment handling and sanitation has been done in the past.  I only 
recently learned that it is possible to get some sort of attaboy after 
taking enough classes in related topics at Atlantian University, so there is

already a mechanism there for a regular cycle of kitchen and food related 
classes ending with some sort of recognition.   The offering of the classes 
regularly by the University is a good thing generally.  That anyone might 
get some sort of 'credit' for it if all are taken is incidental.   Better to

work within this system, with the token meaning only that you've taken a set

of classes, rather than try to create something mimicing fighter 
authorizations in style and importance.


Yes but all of us aren't in Atlantia. The type of training available varies
widely from kingdom to kingdom and local group to local group. The vast
majority of regular contributors to this list are old hands and many of them
have professional credentials. What this list could do would be set up a
list of things like hand washing before handling food that could be sent to
Stefan for the whole world to find. Those with less expertise could ask
questions when something isn't clear. If we did that , I think we would be
doing a service to the whole known world.

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