Lee-Gwen piglet006 at
Thu Oct 5 09:43:21 PDT 2000

Diana L Skaggs wrote:
> I have a friend who watches a lot of TV.  
>  According to the
> program, we could be hanged, mutilated or burned at the stake for playing
> with vegetables.  Also, for a time, the definition of sodomy included sex
> between a married couple with the woman on top. And they say big brother is
> watching us now? Leanna

Father Abelard here-

According to the Canon Law, that is absolutely correct. Marital
relations with the woman on top is considered aberrant because it
violates the natural, God-given order of male supremacy, because the
woman is the weaker vessel and more easily deceived, etc (don't blame
me, I'm just reporting what the law says!). Remember, this is also a
system under which a man who loves his wife too much, 'immoderately'
according to Thomas Aquinas (i.e., he *enjoys* sexual relations with
her) is an _adulterer_. Harsh? Yup. But the status quo is that A) sex is
only for married couples, and B) it is not to be enjoyed- only for
procreation, so no having fun!

An interesting wrinkle though- we all no about avoiding too-close
degrees of consanguinity- there is another consideration called
'affinity', and this is ties created by being godmother/godfather,
through marriage (i.e., in-laws), and through sexual relations. This is
why Henry VIII was allegedly so concerned with his marriage to Katherine
of Aragon, because it violated the laws of Affinity (thought they got a
dispensation, but hey...). By this law, if Jack has sexual relations
with Jill, he is then in a way spiritually related to her, and cannot
then marry her sister. Strictly speaking, he cannot marry Jill now
either, though this is usually got around by penance and a little
insence-waving by the bishop.

Now the fun part- the bond of affinity (that is, the sexual one, not
that of godparent) is ONLY created through straight-forward, man-on-top,
'missionary-position sex. Nothing fun, kinky, unusual, decadent, etc.
Affinity is not created by having sex with the woman on top, other
interesting positions, homosexual relations, etc. When I was in canon
Law class, and we were covering this, our instructor, a dear, dear man
named Father Augustine (who was a fine professor and a nifty guy) was
going into some detail about who this works, and when we got to this
point, and he explained that only ordinary sex creates affinity, not
'unusual' or aberrant positions or practices. Some helpful soul of
course said, 'innocently' "But Father, how would you define 'aberrant'?
Could you give us examples? Just so we are certain? We aren't sure what
you mean..." And Father Augustine turned purple... poor guy. Of course,
one of the guys in the back commented, sotto voce, "I guess my roommate
can still marry his dog then!" and we all broke up, it was so gross...

Obligatory food content- aside from doing things *with* food, it was
considered too decadent to have food and drink with you/involved in
lovemaking- so no crackers in bed. You're supposed to get it done and
ovewith and pray a child results. But no fun, so champagne and
desserts... which is interesting in light of the picyures of bathhouses,
you know, where everyone is in the bathtub with his prostitute, and off
to the side you see them in bed? Across or next to the bathtubs there's
usually pitchers of wine and plates or bowls of cherries. Harumph! Most
decadent! As if we needed further evidence of the sin and sensuality!...

Father Abelard the Lesser

('Lainie is covereing her face and snickering- she has a lot of fun- too
much in fact- and will likely need to do much penance in the future...)

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