Olwen the Odd olwentheodd at
Fri Oct 6 11:12:37 PDT 2000

Mas'A wrote:

>I don't remember a marble slab being involved.

When Hauviette and I worked on them for the S2K Cornation Feast
here in the Midrealm, we used cold metal bowls. I *have* a good
size marble slab to use, roughly the size of a couch (broken
conference table from the bank near work; gods bless my hubby
for saying "whatcha gonna do with that? can I have it?"). It
would be interesting to try making them again on that slab.

>Kewl! As I recall, I also could mingle them with my hands (kinda like
>handling warm gravel), and used a small ladle the mountaynence of an
>unce, as the recipe specifies.

If I recall correctly how we did it, we used about a half cup of
seeds and used small amounts of cooling syrup. Small amounts
were roughly what could be dribbled into the bowls and mixed
with a soup spoon. Hauviette, I'm sure, can clarify here.

>after a certain size was achieved after multiple coatings,
>I had the experience of forming sugar lumps without seeds in the middle;
>essentially the comfits refused to grow larger (the recipe says they
>should be the size of peas) after a certain point, no matter how much
>sugar I added.

We never got them to the size of what I would call a pea. Maybe
more the size of a lentil. But we too hit the refusal point and
just ended up making sugar balls. That was the point at which
we stopped.

>so what I had was essentially a hard-crack syrup from the very
>start. This may have been the source of my problem.

This is what we did too. No water, just a dry pan.

>So mine ended up looking a bit like ground-up concrete pellets, a bit
>like Post Grape-Nuts cereal. They tasted like Good-N-Plenty candies.

And that was essentially what we had too, except for the Good-N-Plenty
part. Can't stand the things. We used coriander.


Iasmin de Cordoba, gwalli at or iasmin at

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