SC - period salt

Stefan li Rous stefan at
Fri Oct 20 23:48:57 PDT 2000

 Andrea wrote:
> "who dreams that some day she will be a part of an AUTHENTIC meal in a
> public setting  which would  documentable, educational, and magical".

and Orlaith replied:
> Okay, so we all agree that we would love to see a real attempt at a
period SCA
> meal done on a cooking show.  Odds are pretty good that we are not going
> see any of them do this however.  What about doing one on our own?
> within this group there are people who have contacts able to do a taping
and I
> know that there are people here who would love to organize/cook such a
> Is there anyone with the contacts who could contact Home and Garden tv,
> FoodTV or the Food Network and sell the concept of one time special?
True it
> would have to be a volunteer effort and even the thought of breaking even
> unlikely but it would educate people as well as satisfying that craving
for a
> GOOD historic cooking show.

... just an idea... but perhaps we should add the History Channel to that
list.  I would think that they would be most likely to support the idea of
an attempt at actual authenticity, and you might well be able to expand the
program so that it showcased the SCA as a historical research organization
and include information on other SCA activities.  IIRC they have done
programs on living history groups in the past, so they might be interested
in a program (or even a series of programs... they're known for such
things) on the SCA as an organization.  The number of participants in the
SCA world wide might be a selling point for them, as they often turn their
programs into video collections and SCA members might be likely to invest
in such a thing if it were *well done*... so you might get them to invest
in it if you pitched it to them right.

Now... perhaps someone should get in touch with the aformementioned person
from the EK list who replied to the foodtv post saying that they had
experience with historical documentaries and see what can be done?

just some ideas to bounce around...

I remain, in service to Meridies,
Lady Celia des L'archier

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