SC - OOP - Black Food

Diana L Skaggs upsxdls_osu at
Mon Oct 23 20:11:06 PDT 2000

> Stefan chided Papa Gunther with:
> >You live in *Dallas* and you are complaining about the traffic
> in
> >Boston???? Dallas makes a ten lane highway come to a standstill
> >(IH-635). Boston has an excuse in that most of their roads are
> >quite narrow.
> At least in Dallas, unlike Boston, using your turn signal
> doesn't
> mean "Pass me on this side" to the other drivers.
> Iasmin, victim of Boston drivers while once on vacation


Here is Oregon, the little stick on the column is:

A: a great place to hang your roach clip while you aren't using it,

B: something to flip _after_ you change lanes, to flash your supremacy
to those in adjoining lanes ("Heh! Eat this, sucker! I'm on your left

C: something to turn on and leave on for 35 miles (but this only if you
are a Little Old Man in a Hat).

You *know* I'm right...


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