SC - I am So Ashamed! (long) Llewmike at
Wed Oct 25 09:45:23 PDT 2000

Master Llew asked:

>I have a question to throw out here - what translation would you consider the
>best?  I now know enough Latin to translate the recipes by myself but I still
>prefer to check myself occasionally using Flowers and Rosenbaum (1957) as I
>find Vehling far too dry (1936) but I have heard others comment on what they
>consider better additions.

I don't know a ton of Latin, but enough to get the gist of a recipe. I lose a
lot on my own translations because of my lack of knowledge, but I'm
working on learning the cooking Latin to rectify this. In the meantime,
I've relied on comparing Flowers and Rosenbaum with the Mallinckrodt
edition as these are the only copies I have. The Mallinckrodt edition
has the bonus of a manuscript reproduction on alternate facing pages.


Iasmin de Cordoba, gwalli at or iasmin at

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