SC - Earthquake Weather OP/OT

Huette von Ahrens ahrenshav at
Mon Oct 30 13:58:02 PST 2000

Bear tsked me with:

>Tsk.  All that automation.  So obviously you won't mind another little
>"cheat."  Breads enriched with milk or sugar tend to have a darker crust,
>unless you cover the top of the loaf about 2/3 of the way through the
>baking.  A tent of aluminum foil on top of the loaf will reflect heat and
>reduce the darkening.

You know, I was actually wondering about that. Is it because the sugars
in the milk tend to carmalize? I did end up tenting the loaves, to be honest,
because I was afraid they'd get too dark. I think when I try this again,
I'd like to see too if I can improve the texture a little with a bit more
kneading. It was nice and dense, but I think I'd like to have it a little

Do you or does anyone know how well, in general, bread recipes translate
into rolls? That is, if I make up a bread recipe, is there any logical reason
why I wouldn't want to take that recipe and make individual rolls out of it
instead of one or two loaves? I'm curious, because this recipe I was
making seemed to make some really big loaves.

In another bit of news, the bread was popular enough that everyone asked
me if I would bake the bread for the feast for all three courses. I think I
said yes.


iasmin de cordoba, gwalli at or iasmin at

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