SC - pennyroyal - emmenogogues, abortifacients etc. (long)

Tara Sersen tsersen at
Mon Oct 30 13:27:31 PST 2000

>Just a note on using pennyroyal, It can induce a
>miscarriage, especially in early pregnancy. I'm not
>sure about he quantity, so make sure you warn your

The quantity for abortifacient properties is very low.  You are smart not to
take any chances.  The quantity for poisoning an adult human, though, is so
high that I wouldn't worry about it.  It has a much worse reputation than it

This got me thinking, though, about what other herbs are emmenogogues, abortifacients,
mutagens, uterine stimulants, fetotoxins, etc.  So, I went back to my trusty
Herb Contraindications and Drug Interactions book, and was amazed to find an
8.5 page long list of herbs contraindicated for pregnancy!  Here's a sample:

Alfalfa (uterine stimulant, hormonal effects)
Angelica plant and root (emmenogogue)
Anise (fruit) (hormonal effect)
Lemon Balm (melissa officinalis) (emmenogogue, hormonal)
Barley sprouts
Basil (emmenogogue, mutagen)
Beet seeds, root and leaves (emmenagogue, abortifacient)
Bitter melon fruit (emmenogogue, abortifacient)
Black pepper fruit (abortifacient)
Boneset plant (abortifacient)
Cardamom seeds (emmenogogue)
Cassia cinnamon bark (emmenogogue, abortifacient)
Castor bean oil (emmenogogue, abortifacient)
Catnip leaves and flowers (emmenogogue, abortifacient)
Celery root and seeds (emmenogogue, uterine stim., abortifacient)
Chamomile, German (emmenogogue)
Chamomile, Foman flowers and plant (emmenogogue, abortifacient)
Chicory root (emmenogogue, abortifacient)
Cinnamon bark (emmenogogue)
Coffee seeds (Abortifacient, teratogen)
Cola seeds 
Dill fruit (emmenogogue)
Fennel fruit (emmenogogue, hormonal)
Fenugreek seed (emmenogogue, uterine stimulant, abortifacient)
Feverfew plant (emmenogogue)
Flax seeds (emmenogogue)
Garlic bulbs (emmenogogue, uterine stimulent)
Ginger rhizome (abortifacient)
Goldenseal (Uterine stimulent)
Horehound plant (emmenogogue, uterine stimulent, abortifacient)
Horseradish fresh root (abortifacient)

Man, I don't know what I'm going to eat when I get pregnant...

Most of these, obviously, are dangerous in far greater quantities than we'd
ever be likely to eat.  I mean, if garlic were all that dangerous, the entire
population of Italy would have been wiped out generations ago (and we'd be much
poorer for it, no aglio olio, no pesto...)!  Nevertheless, it's eye-opening.

- -Magdalena vander Brugghe

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