SC - Re: Ruzzige cake

TG gloning at Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE
Sun Oct 8 15:16:16 PDT 2000

Thank you, Cindy, for your version of the recipe.

As far as I can see, two problems still remain:

- -- the translation of "tüftele" with _beat_ is doubtful. The web version
we are discussing is based on the earliest edition of the Buch von guter
Speise of 1844, the worst of the insufficient editions we have, I regret
to say. This editor suggested "schlagen, klopfen ? vgl. Schmeller 1,
358". The editor himself put a question mark here! Looking up the place
in Schmeller's Bavarian dictionary, I find that this meaning is given
for "deffeln", a word still in usage in modern German dialects, but a
word totally different from "tüfteln". For the moment, I have no

- -- Now, the "ruzzige"-problem. Sure, _rus_ or in the older spelling
_ruz-_ refers to Russia, Russians. But as far as I can see, the usual
ending for such a word would have been "-isch". I am not sure what to do
here, but this problem is only of minor importance for the cook because
it concerns only the _name_ of the dish.

What is Bliny?

Cheers and thanks again,

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