lilinah at lilinah at
Thu Oct 5 13:00:40 PDT 2000

I sent this at 11:40 PDT, but it doesn't seen to have made it 
through. My ISP was a bit wonky there for a while, so i'm sending 
again. Apologies if you get this twice.

Lady Celia des L'archier
>... I've never seen mexican chocolate tablets in the stores
>here in Atlanta. Can I substitute?

And Adamantius suggested:
>Try sweet dark baker's chocolate as probably the best substitute, but
>the texture of Mexican chocolate is much more granular, due to both a
>slightly coarser grind of the chocolate liquor and also to undissolved

This isn't a bad substitute (and that's Baker's, a brand name), but 
Mexican chocolate, besides vanilla, usually has cinnamon in it, and 
used to have ground almonds, although i no longer see this listed on 
my package of Ibarra (yes, with an "I", not a "Y").

I wouldn't worry about lacking the large sugar granules. But you 
might want to add a small amount of cinnamon - mmm, around 1/4 tsp. - 
and if you feel like it a tablespoon or so of ground almonds per 

Anahita al-shazhiyya

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