SC - RE sour kraut (cooks 2716)

Martina Grasse grasse at
Mon Oct 23 14:24:47 PDT 2000

Sorry Bear, I disagree

Rumpolt - 1581 German (are you sick of us yet ;-) does list recipes using 
'Saures Kraut'  (would quote, but he is home and I'm at work), but being a 
cookbook he gives not directions for making the kraut (one is served with 
cream (or sour cream.. dont recall). (and no, it is not just cabage because 
he has several just Kraut recipes.

Gwen Cat
Bear wrote:

>If you are adhering to strict historical accuracy, I don't think you can
>truly document sauerkraut or pirogi, although both are probably "period."
>I've used similar undocumentable dishes for feasts where I wasn't trying for
>historical accuracy.

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