SC - Where to Get Historic Food Plants and Seeds

lilinah at lilinah at
Fri Oct 27 01:01:32 PDT 2000

A recent thread on a non-SCA list turned up these resources.

It's probably a bit late in most places in the Northern hemisphere to 
plant, but it's a good time to make a wish list for spring.

The following stuff is all forwarded, none are from me.

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As to the white carrots... I found some seed available at Bountiful Gardens
(who specialize in things like heirloom plants).

Here is the web site and what they say about the Belgian White Carrots

Carrot — Daucus carota —

ALL/Matures 9-11/Harvest 3-6/Yield 8-23/ Spac 3 (or broad- cast carefully)/
Cons 11.7 (.75-1)/Area 32-64, Camb, Wh 29-58 Apr# 800 except Camberly,
Juwarot 500, White 300

Many gardeners are amazed at the quality and flavor. of our 
varieties, even "standard" ones like our Nantes stand out. Easily 
grown in average garden soil without many stones, which cause 
deformities and splitting. Avoid freshly-manured soil. Prefers light, 
loamy soil. Do not allow the seed bed to dry out after planting. 
Plant in succession for constant supply. Medicinal: detoxifier, 
supports liver, kidneys, diuretic, etc.

Belgian White — (1885) This variety grows pure white - very 
striking on the table! Mild flavor unlike other carrots but quite 
delicious. A very productive carrot which can get large. Also for 
those who don't tolerate carotene. N Price $ 1.50

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Redwood City Seed Company, in Redwood City, California, specializes 
in heirloom and old-world seeds.

They can be reached at


P. O. Box 361, Redwood City, California 94064 U.S.A.
Craig & Sue Dremann, Proprietors
PHONE: (650) 325-7333

They are wonderful people, and they have lots of crazy interesting stuff!

The rare plants suppliment to the Redwood City Seed Co's catalog has this gem:

TOMATO Costoluto Catanese. The oldest variety of tomato in Europe, 
from the 16th cent. PKT. $2.75

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Here are the catalog resources, I highly recommend them to anyone
interested in heirloom varieties...

Nichol's Garden Nursery
Herbs & Rare Seeds
(541) 928-9280
e-mail:  nichols at
THE BEST SELECTION!!! (lots of heirlooms & herb teas & Saffron crocus)

Shepard's Garden Seeds
(860) 482-3638
(decent selection, veg, roses, & some herbs)

Herb Catalog
(905) 640-6441
AWESOME!  Every herb imaginable, even Hemlock & Henbane...

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BTW, the book I've been consulting this evening (I have others, but
can't find them right now) is _Blue Corn and Square Tomatoes_, an
excellent book with lots of fun anecdotes; their information is
impressively bibliographied, and seems to be pretty good as far as
this ex-botanist can tell. (by Rebecca Rupp, 1987, Storey
Communications / Garden Way, ISBN 0-88266-505-7)

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