SC - Protectorate Feast 4 - no recipes

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Tue Oct 3 08:35:53 PDT 2000

It's three days out and I finally have working estimates to complete the

I'm 30 lbs of beef short and short 24 chicken breasts.  For the rest, 22 lbs
of sugar, 70 lbs of flour, 20 lbs of butter, 7 dz eggs, 40 lbs of sweet
potatoes, 20 lbs of spinach, 2 lbs each almonds, currants and prunes, 20
oranges, and the usual odds and sods of condiments, spices, wine, etc.

According to the inventory, I'm short on serving utensils, so I collected 20
large stainless steel spoons for $10 + tax and rolled it into the feast
budget.  I'm one of the few feast stewards that does this sort of thing, but
for a 20+ year old group, we are seriously under supplied in cooking and
serving equipment and $20-30 dollars per feast is a worthy expense, when you
can shave it off by judicious buying.

Overall cost looks to run just under $5/person, which is high for one of my
feasts, but I'm putting in some expensive items.  

The Boke of the Feast of Protectorate XXIV (the feast token) is printed.  I
have 192 copies collated, folded and partially stapled.  Got to get those
stapled by Friday afternoon.  I found some typos, and I ran out of space for
notes, so I'll be doing some editing before I post the remaining recipes.

Beverages have been a problem, but I've located some relatively inexpensive
cider and a few bags of lemons to make some real lemonade shouldn't break
the bank.  I'd love to serve ale and wine, but ...

Tonight it is: pay the storage rental on the way into town, pick up the last
of the roast, drop the meat in the refrigerator, visit the Indian grocery,
visit the health food store, and start the final preparations.  Oh yeah,
somewhere in there comes laundry to get all the garb ready.  Yeast, yeah
fresh yeast -- health food store.

Wednesday:  Populace meeting.  Final check on reservations, head server and
potential staff.  Discuss timing with tavernkeeper, lunch cook, and Minister
of Children (children's meal).  Leave Pop meeting early.  Box small
unrefrigerated supplies and utensils.  Continue preparations.  Check grocery
sale ads.  Pack personal gear.

Thursday:  Deliver personal gear to Mistress Gwyneth for delivery to site.
Pack unrefrigerated supplies.  Finish preparations, refrigerate or pack.
Final purchases?

Friday:  Pack ice chests.  Purchase cream at Kamp's in OKC (independent
grocery with fresh Jersey cream and milk).  Start the bakery on the site.

Sack and malvasia.  Got to remember to hit the package store in there (OK
doesn't allow package sales outside of liquor stores).

Anyway, madness abounds.  Everything is coming together nicely, but feels
like it's falling apart (if I hadn't been here before, I might be panicky).
Friday morning, I'll deliver everything to the site, run into Gutherie and
pick up the flour and the last minute items, then start the bakery, then the
world will drop out of overdrive to normal.

Apples - oh yeah, apples -- 20 say?

Bonne chance 


(Thanks to Thomas for correcting the gender of my closing in my non-existant


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