SC - Chicken soup challenge

Bonne of Traquair oftraquair at
Thu Oct 5 14:03:07 PDT 2000

Puck said:
>sniffle....hack.....HARRUMPH!  Okay, so the denizens of Puck's Glenn and 
>indeed a siginificant portion of Aquidneck Island is suffering from the 
>Creeping Crud.  ...
>SOOOOOoooooo.... What's everybody's favorite chicken soup recipe, why, and 
>are there period recipes?
>regards, sniffle...snuffle...hiccup....Puck

sniff, coff.  I am suffering a minor bout myself.  Just enough to exhaust 
myself doing household chores because I don't feel sick enough to stay in 
bed.  When pitifully sick, I require Lipton's instant chicken noodle soup.  
Because that's what mommy used to give me, that's why.  So there.  But I am 
going soupless for this one, just drinking mint tea.

However, when lots o' extra chicken parts are on hand because chicken was on 
sale, like last Friday, I make a quick version starting with all the chicken 
backs and wing tips and neck bones and other chicken miscellany that isn't 
going into meal sized packets in the freezer.  Simmer until the meat is 
done, pull out the backs etc and cool enough to get the meat off. 
Refrigerate meat, add bones back to pot, add soup stock stuff (TM) from 
freezer and keep simmering. (Soup stock stuff is vegetable trimmings and 
peels saved in the freezer until needed).  Keep simmering until just before 
bedtime.  Strain out all the solid bits, and put the stock in the fridge.  
Treat the cat to a bit of chicken skin or whatever, then take the rest out 
to the dumpster so she doesn't get in the garbage for crissake!

Next day, scrape the solidified chicken fat from the top of the container.  
Pour the broth gel into a pot, add about 4 cups of vegetables (to my 6 quart 
pot) either chopped small enough to cook together, or sequentially.  While 
the veggies cook, make an egg noodle recipe and cut noodles as wide as your 
little finger. Salt to taste and add whatever dried herbs sound good, use 
enough.  Toss the chicken meat in, and bring broth to a boil.  Add the 
noodles and call everyone to the table cause fresh noodles take no time.

Personally, I prefer southern style dumplings (make half recipe of biscuit 
dough, roll thin as for noodles, cut into lozenges, simmer as briefly as 
noodles and expect second helpings to be dissolved so the soup becomes 
stew).  But, I didn't feed this to my daughters enough and they don't like 
it.  Tony refrains from giving his opinion, which says much. *sigh*

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