cook's cote (was Re: SC - test- don't read)

TG gloning at Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE
Tue Oct 10 17:14:52 PDT 2000

> ... is there any evidence to suggest
> that the concept of chefs in white coats extends to cooks in period?

"... vnd sollen fein weisse saubere Ha:embder/ auch nicht schmutzige/
rotzige vnd beschmirige/ sondern fein reine/ hu:ebsche/ saubere/ kurtze/
nicht weitte/ zodende/ hangende vnd lumpende/ sondern wolgemachte enge
Kleider/ an Hosen vnd Wammes/ antragen"
(from Rumpolt's office of and requirements for a cook, 1581).

weisse saubere Ha:embder = white, clean shirts/ clothes
(There are black & white woodcuts of cooks that might be helpful for
other details.)


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