SC - Sourdough starter

Leslie Lansdowne lalliepop at
Fri Oct 20 09:05:12 PDT 2000

>By feeding the starter with water and flour when it goes dormant, you add
>the sugars produced by the amylase reaction to feed the yeast and
>lactobacilli and aerate the starter to refresh the lactic acid production.
>Just letting the starter sit does not improve the flavor.  At room
>temperature, my starters tend to cycle through active to dormant about every
>12 hours, so they usually are feed morning and evening.

Ok. So I'll keep my starter and I'll start feeding it twice a 
day.  Conceivably, I'd like to use it to make bread 2-3 times a 
week.  Now,  the original recipe says to stir in just 1 teaspoon of sugar 
once a week to care for it, but if I use it I should replenish it with 3/4 
all purpose flour, 3/4 cup water and 1 tsp sugar.  I put in 1 tsp of sugar 
last night and of course I've never used it---will this be enough to get it 
active again or should I be adding more flour and water?

Thanks again!


>It's been over a year since I last used Herman (he is hiding in the
>freezer).  After the Known World Costume Symposium, I think I'll bring him
>out and resurrect him to play with Italian baking practices.

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