SC - Ein Kuchen

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Sun Oct 22 10:08:40 PDT 2000

I chanced to find one of the better Cassell's German dictionaries for the
pittance of $8.50 and bought it immediately.

In it Schaub is defined also as a "tangle of straw" or a "sheaf."  It also
had an interesting entry for Schaubrot (shewbread).  It is possible, but not
provable, that what is intended is to pour the almond milk over bread (thus
creating a secondary dish).

Since the instruction does not appear to be germane to the actual recipe,
I'm going to let it go until I can find further evidence to support a
particular translation.

Now I have to find some decent semolina flour to make some Semmel to create
my semmel meal.


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