SC - salad

TG gloning at Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE
Fri Sep 1 16:33:09 PDT 2000

- -- In Rumpolt's menues, salad is mentioned several times and in some
variation for the "erste Gang zum Nachtmal" (first course at the evening
dinner). -- His chapter "Von allerley Kräuter Salat/ weiß vnd grün/ wie
nachfolget" (About salad from all kinds of herbs (?)/ white and green/as
stated below) has 50 entries.

- -- "salat" is mentioned under the heading "kraut" in the Tegernsee
monastery's year's menu (around 1530), and "kraut" as a part of a meal
is mentioned frequently.

- -- According to Moriz Heyne, the use of salad in 'Germany' is first
attested in Ekkehard's "Benedictiones ad mensas", and this seems to be
an indicator, that lettuce was eaten in the monasteries. -- "lactucas"
are mentioned both in the garden plan of the monastery St. Gallen and in
the Capitulare de vilis. (But how, exactly, where they used?)

- -- There is also an important passage in Wolfram von Eschenbachs
'Parzival' (ca. 1210) 551.19ff.:
"do brahte ein des wirtes sun
purzeln unde latun
gebrochen in den vinaeger ..."
'Then, one of the host's sons brought
portulaca- and lettuce-salad,
prepared with vinegar ....' 
(contrary to what health manuals of the time say, this text goes on and
states that lettuce is not healthy, makes no good blood, etc.)


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