SC - German Salads in sca-cooks V1 #2560

Stefan li Rous stefan at
Sun Sep 3 15:59:04 PDT 2000

sorry about that last one... 
it was supposed to have some comments, and a warning about lenght, and hard
 returns in stead of the web ready soft returns I normally use... so here at
 least are the comments, better late than never ;-)

At Edens request.. here are the 50 German Salads from Rumpolt... they still
 have some bugs in them and Im hoping if Thomas has not left for his vacation
 yet he can clarify some of them.

once I have a better idea on my last few puzzles I will web this in my usual 

In service to the dream
(and very apologetic for the premature sending of the previous message)

Gwen Catrin von Berlin

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