SC - RE: Spelt (recipe)

Nicholas Sasso NJSasso at
Wed Sep 6 11:16:04 PDT 2000

Marian wrote:

>When I emailed isamin at the message bounced.

If it was typed as you have it above, you have the "a" and the "s"
reversed. It's "iasmin" (yahz-meen).

>and just how much weight did Midrealm's populace gain with this feast?  If the
>nutritional information you listed is correct the feast was already over 4500

*laughing* They were begging not to have any more food brought
out to the tables, but I'll tell you what, I was surprised at how few
leftovers we had. If I remember correctly, we bagged a ziploc of
the veal, I took home a ziploc of the hard cheese served in the final
course, and there was a ziploc or so of the lentils and barley left.
We got rid of a bit of the lentils, a bunch of the pasta (which we cooked
way more of than we needed to, on purpose, to cover the plates with
the turkeys imprinted on them).

In all honesty, one of my weakest points as a cook is being able
to figure out how to accurately scale a recipe for large groups.
The coronation feast was a good test of doing the cooking by eye
for me in large amounts. Ultimately, everything came out right.
What's on the Goode Cookery site for the large amounts, the 160
serving size amounts, should be taken as a guide only. When I was
in the kitchen, I cooked it by eye. I knew that the amount I had
listed was too much, but I didn't know by how much. part of the
problem is that when you scale a recipe mathmatically, it doesn't
equate to how you really scale it in the kitchen. It's just not

Perhaps someone else on the list can give you a better idea of how
to scale a recipe in numbers rather than doing it by eye. I don't
know yet how to describe what I did by nature. I just did it the way
it looked right. That way doesn't match all the large numbers in the
feast book.

>(News of the hour... I showed the professor my printout of everything relevant
>on the website and of the biographical sources given on the list and she's
>looking particularly willing to do it.

Well, that's very promising and I wish you the best of luck in
this regard.

>In fact, if you have multiple leftovers of the booklet, I'd be willing to pay
>shipping and handling or pay for the booklets.

If you access PDF files, we might be able to do this without the US postal
service. However, I'll happily send you a paper copy in the mail if
you send me your snail mail address privately.

>Right now the only questions I've really got relate to what pages in 
>Milham the
>translated recipe came from.  This however isn't necessary until 
>after the book
>arrives via ILL.

The page numbers should all be in the booklet.

>Which means I'll probably have to go shopping in DC rather than down 
>the street
>as this town has a dearth of "local large chain grocery stores" let 
>alone fancy

Which items are you thinking are the fancy ones? The
spices I understand, but the rest of it seems pretty
basic to me. I admit it might be because I'm spoiled by
decent grocery stores, but if you have something you're
not sure of, shout it out and I'll see if I can describe it to
you and point you in the right direction.

Iasmin de Cordoba, gwalli at or iasmin at

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