SC - Re: How much to cook ChannonM at
Thu Sep 7 05:03:40 PDT 2000

At 6:15 PM -0400 8/31/00, Marian.Deborah.Rosenberg at 
(Marian Deborah Rosenber wrote:
>Hi again,
>   I'm still looking for around for books that can give me some biographical
>information on various cooking people in the Renaissance.  I've been thinking
>hard and the only person I can come up with would be the wife in Le 
>Menagier du

There is an old book by Eileen Power called _Medieval People_ which 
consists of six chapters on what life would have been like for six 
different medieval people--one of whom is the Menagier's wife.

By the way, does late 14th century count as Renaissance?

Note that if you want to do this, a translation of the cooking 
section of Menagier is up on Cariadoc's web site, and it includes a 
lot of menus as well as recipes. We also have a lot of worked-out 
recipes from the Menagier in the _Miscellany_.

Elizabeth/Betty Cook

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