SC - Seville Oranges (was Re: Protectorate Feast)

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Thu Sep 14 10:51:10 PDT 2000

<<<< SNIP> . . . .  I was planning to add a mustard for the beef and I am considering a garlic sauce as well.  I'd really like to get my hands on Seville oranges for there sourness, but I haven't found any locally, so I'll probably settle for Valencias.  >>>>

Rather than settling for Valencias, may I recommend settling for bottled bitter orange juice?  A thread a couple of months back found Lrd. Ras ordeirng a couple of cases of the stuff from a grocer, and I found it at a local international framer's Market in 38 ounces bottle.  It has a couple of minor ingredients added for preservative, but mainly bitter orange.  I don't recall the brand or price, but I recll it being rather reasonable, even for a feast budget.  I'll gladly do recon for the item on the way home from work today, and let you know.  I'd even be willing to package and ship it to you if it meets your needs.

Maybe Ras remembers the brand?

niccolo difrancesco

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