SC - Re: Period cooking? lilinah at
Fri Sep 15 12:10:58 PDT 2000

Elaine Koogler wrote:
>     Mei (described as salted, pickled white Chinese plum)

If these are the dried kind, i'd guess you'd need to go to a Chinese 
store where they're often sold on the candy aisle along with 
sweet-and-salty cuttlefish shreds. Here in California they are often 
sold in regular supermarkets.

Saying they're "pickled" makes me think they're moist. If so, there's 
a Japanese variety called Umeboshi - "ume" (pronounced like oo-may) 
means plum - or "salt plums" that are also sold in health food stores 
in little glass jars, which you may find more easily than a Chinese 
market, depending on where you live.

Anahita al-shazhiyya

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