SC - Re: Manteca

Vincent Cuenca bootkiller at
Wed Sep 20 08:33:44 PDT 2000

In a message dated 9/19/00 11:18:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
lilinah at writes:

<< They do this because so few 
people have refrigeration in 20th century Indonesia, something they 
certainly lacked in the Medieval Near East.


There was use of ice houses in the middle east during the middle ages. 
Possibly Stefan has the posts on ice houses in his Flori-thingy.

I am not saying that dried meat was not used, I am saying that, IMO, it was 
rarely used.

The daily list of meat available in the Paris markets let alone other cities 
throughout Europe would preclude extensive use of dried meats, IMO. I am not 
dismissing the idea entirely but rather am of the opinion that unless 
documentation can be found to the contrary, basing an opinion on what 'could' 
have been as opposed to what is known to have been done is very risky and 
should not be a basis for acceptance of the practice let alone proliferation 
of it as an accepted standard of how things actually were.

The test of good manners is to be patient with bad ones.- Solomon Ibn Gabirol

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