Gunthar (Was: Re: SC - Re: Black Adder)

Isha ArrowHawk ArianneShadowWalker at
Fri Sep 29 00:58:35 PDT 2000

Phil de Sancto Martino said:
>    I've just started to dabble into medieval cooking and my first interest turns towards Italian and specifically Sicilian fare. I was hoping that people on thelist could send me links to recipies and techniques, offer resources in general or might even be good enough to send me recipies.

Welcome to this SCA-Cooks list.

Well, here are a few of the files in the Florilegium that I think might
fall within this area:
In the FOOD section:
pasta-msg         (92K)  9/ 6/00    Period pasta. Period referances. Recipes.
polenta-msg       (15K) 11/19/99    Period polenta. Wheat and maize polenta.
Cheap-Apicius-art (13K)  9/28/98    "Apicius for the Impoverished" by

p-Italy-food-bib   (9K) 12/ 1/99    Bibliographies on period Italian food.

fd-Italy-msg      (16K)  9/29/98    Period Italian food. Cookbooks.

There are also a number of other food and food related files, but they
are often organised by food type rather than country. So if you have
a specific vegetable or food item, let me know and perhaps I can point
you to some files. Since you mention wanting to someday do some feast
cooking, you might find some of the files in the FEAST section useful.
It's often nice to learn from others mistakes. There are also a wide
variety of SCA feast menus given there, often with more recipes.
- -- 
Lord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
Mark S. Harris             Austin, Texas           stefan at
**** See Stefan's Florilegium files at: ****

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