SC - Re: Expecting historical Foods

Nicholas Sasso NJSasso at
Tue Sep 26 06:08:46 PDT 2000

niccolo spoke:
<<<< . . . . .What's worse is that those around them are reticent to
challenge the belief that canned ham and boiled potatoes is great Feast
Food.  At least we don't have SPAM or frozen lasagna anymore.>>>>>>>>
***** Lady Celia des L'archier replied:
Oh!  My!  Goodness!  did you *really* ever have SPAM and/or frozen lasagna
as feast food!?!  now *that* is "inconcievable"  ********

Legend has it in Meridies of the Great Spam Feast put on by one of the Patriarchs in the Long Ago Days (tm) of something like AS IV.  As for the lasagne, we had an event two or three years ago that had frozen lasagna from SAM's planned as a meal.  the cook was innocently well inteded, and very enthusiastic, but somewhat behind the development curve.  He was guided to a different path and did a fine job that he could tell stories about.  There still live and thrive in Meridies cooks who will present at feast canned ham and sweet potatoes or coq au vin or pasta alfredo.  Compatent cooks all and good food, just not historically grounded in their efforts.  

One must make ones choices and take the steps one is prepared to when when ready to take them . . . and I am there to urge them all and offer a hand to those ready.

pacem et bonum,
niccolo difrancesco

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