Expecting historical Foods (was Re: SC - rare foods atfeasts-rant)

LrdRas at aol.com LrdRas at aol.com
Tue Sep 26 06:12:22 PDT 2000

In a message dated 9/26/00 5:53:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
catdeville at mindspring.com writes:

<< ah!  So if I could only have two medieval cookbooks in my kitchen, is this
what you would recommend, mi'Lord? 


The second edition of Pleyn Delit contains less errors than the first and The 
Medieval Kitchen contains less errors than some others. Cindy Renfrow's book 
Take a Thousand Eggs contains even less but I would suggest that if you could 
only have 2 medieval cook books in your kitchen that you purchase Coraiadoc's 
Collection of Medieval and Renaissance Cookbooks, Vol. I and II instead of 
any of the modern cookbooks containing period recipes suggestions. His 
volumes with give a dozen plus actual medieval or SCA period cookbooks at a 
total cost of less than 1 of any of the other books.

The big answers I have. It's just some of the little ones that elude me.-D. 

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