SC - Adjustments, ethical or otherwise

Nicholas Sasso NJSasso at
Thu Sep 28 06:55:35 PDT 2000

  It appears that there are two general viewpoint foci at odds in this discussion as it has developed:  the needs/rights of the cooks and the needs/rights of the diners.  This is the gae-old war waging in those who cook for people and those people who eat what is cooked.

The latest discourse between Adamantius and Celia appears from my seat to have the kernal of that conflict at root.  Adamantius seems to present the idea that the cook is bound to attend the needs of his guests in any decision made; there is a responsibility to those seated at atable.  Celia appears to be taking the stance from closer to the cooks' primacy, that the cook is the one making decisions, and is hindered by creative blocks such as recipes and historical accuracy when trying to problem solve and improve dishes.  These are generalities only, and the debate is far more complex than all this.

My take is that the Guest is the primary focus always.  Whatever I do in the kitchen, I MUST take the needs of the diners into account.  It is often a health and safety issue, and there is no quibbling those.  If I make a change, then it gets announced; if someone tells me they can't eat due to a change, they get their money back.  If I screw the meal up beyond reasonable acceptance, then I make whatever amends possible.  I am representing the host group, my Laurel, my cooking peers, and myself; I gotta keep that in mind when I am cooking a feast at an event.  In my own estimation the feast kitchen is not the place for frivolity or whim . . . . crisis management is different, but certainly not free license.  This last item appears the position of both Adamantius and Celia as well.  Responsibility and accountability needs be our watchwords in the kitchen as it is the highest potential liability area in our various events in most cases.

In my home or in a classroom situation, there is more leaway to make adjustments and be more 'creative'.  I am still bound by personal ethics to provide accuracy and note personal opinions.   Please forgive if this seems enthused.  I mean no harm, but wish to clarify and offer my insights into the pieces to date.

pacem et bonum,
niccolo difrancesco

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