SC - pesto sauce period?

Laura C. Minnick lcm at
Sat Sep 30 23:30:05 PDT 2000

Stefan li Rous wrote:

> So is there any evidence of whether pesto sauce is period or not?

Hmm. I really don't know- though it would seem to be a natural thing to
do with the ingredients, and we know they had them... (I know the
reasoning is faulty, so don't nag.)

Gotta tell my pesto funny though- several years ago, in class (I think
it was ITAL 341- Boccaccio) we were working our way through the
_Decameron_, (a facing-page translation) and there is this story about a
girl (I think her name was Lisebetta) who had a boyfriend who her
brothers didn't approve of. So Guido, Vito, and Pasquale (not their
names but it works) took the young man 'hunting' with them, had an
'accident, and buried him in the woods. Lisebetta figured out something
was wrong when they came back, so she went out into the woods and found
the body. She was so distraught, she cut off the head and smuggled it
into her room, where she emptied a pot of basil that was in the window,
put the head in the pot, and repotted the basil over it. Then she
proceeded to waste away, weeping over the pot of basil, until her
brothers got suspicious, took a close look at the pot and took away the
head, after which of course the girl died.

Anyway, while we were going over the bit in the text about the head in
the pot of basil, I could not contain myself- raised my hand and said
(in Italian) "A testo a pesto?" 
(Ok- it's funnier in Italian.) Everyone broke up and the professor (a
friend of mine) threw her pen at me. 

I love to eat pesto. But a head- um, er, keep'em seperate, please!;-)


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