SC - Sweet and Savory

CorwynWdwd at CorwynWdwd at
Wed Sep 13 11:20:09 PDT 2000

In a message dated 9/13/2000 1:05:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
NJSasso at writes:

> To this day, I cannot eat mushrooms because (I firmly believe) they were an 
> item of contention one evening when I refused to eat them at age 5. 

I was the same way about oatmeal. I preferred grits, which was what I was 
raised on, and my Grandmother tried to convert me to eating oatmeal. I was 
thirty before I eventually got over that, and I now enjoy oatmeal, REAL 
oatmeal, not the brown sugar cinnamon stuff.

>  Then there are the chemotherapy patients who develop aversions to foods 
eaten > just before the treatments and impending nausia/malaise that follows.

Did something similar to myself once. I ate raw garlic regularly, but once I 
ate a clove that had started sprouting. I don't know how, but it made me 
sicker than I'd ever been. I couldn't even smell garlic without my stomach 
rolling for over a year. Got over it though. I couldn't live without garlic.

How about this.... some people are truly omnivores and some of us have 
distinct food preferences and some of us for whatever reason don't care for 
particular foods, either at the moment or for the rest of our lives. There 
are too many reasons mixed in there for most of us to work through. That's 
life. :-)


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