SC - Was: Period cooking? - Now: Foodie Movies

lilinah at lilinah at
Fri Sep 15 12:10:09 PDT 2000

Also in this vein, although not fiction, are films by the great 
documentary film maker, Les Blank:

Yum, Yum, Yum
- - a half-hour on Cajun cooking, with plenty of tasty music

Garlic is as Good as Ten Mothers
- - feature length on several different chefs' love for garlic

and although food is not central, if you like Cajun and Zydeco music, 
he's got a great film called "J'ai eté au Bal" (i think in English 
it's called "I Went to the Dance")

and there's always his film "In Heaven There Is No Beer", on Polka 
music - gotta love them accordions - not much food content, but 
there's beer, right? if you're local video rental place doesn't have them

Anahita al-shazhiyya

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