SC - RE: Odd and interesting foods

Nicholas Sasso NJSasso at
Wed Sep 20 06:07:10 PDT 2000

>     Boiled peanuts isn't a food - it's a ritual. . . . letting them cool while enjoying the aroma to where you don't > have to do the ol' scream, toss & blow when you peel 'em, just think of it > as a southern running the sap sort of thing. With an RC cola and a moon pie > (chocolate or banana, depending on your particular perversion,) you're in > Dixie heaven!

<<<<<<<<I just realized this could go on all day, and I wouldn't even have touched
on the Irish and German foods that I love which come from either my father's or mother's regional or cultural heritage... so I guess I'll give someone else the floor now ;-) I remain, in service to Meridies, Lady Celia des L'archier >>>>>>>>

The odd food that is a family favorite in my clan is something called only "Clays".  My belief is that the name is very appropo for this food.  It is made by boiling coarse ground buckwheat flour in salted water until it is a thick paste (not unlike really, really thick polenta of buckwheat).  These are cut/spooned into a bowl in dumpling sized wads.  Over top of this is poured a gravy:  render until crispy diced bacon, add enough milk to make the gravy/sauce.  Pour over hot clays, and serve. (no measurements available)

It was a way to feed 7 on a tiny income during post WW II aftermath in Wisconsin.  Family was a German decended group, but I don't know if this decended from very far back up the family tree.  Just my grandmother for certain.  May have come from their childhood and depression era farm life.

niccolo difrancesco

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