SC - PAYNE RAGOUN another question....

Philip & Susan Troy troy at
Sat Sep 9 15:10:48 PDT 2000

Seton1355 at wrote:
> As I am working through my recipes (as I am now) I am thinking that we see
> the *1* form of the recipe as it was worked out and saved all these years,,
> but I feel that there was variation in the method and leeway in the
> ingredients just as today one cook will tweek a recipe and make it his/her
> own,  ie:  look at how many recipes there are for potato salad..   (sorry Ras)

Well, as a matter of fact there are at least two or three surviving
English recipes for Payne Ragoun, and there are indeed differences in
their preparation. Now if I may ask (and I don't mean to be rude or
argumentative, it just seems like you have a half-formed theory trying
to break out so I'm nudging you) what are you saying? Whass yer point,
that different methods were probably used by different cooks to check on
syrup density?  

- -- 
Phil & Susan Troy

troy at

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