Sweetened Butter? (was Re: SC - Harvest Moon Shoot proposed menu)

Brent Kellmer BrentK at KINDREDCOM.com
Fri Sep 22 15:17:07 PDT 2000

Greetings from Thorgrim of Birka

Bear said:

>The problem with honey butter is there is no direct evidence to 
>demonstrate it was prepared in period.  

Actually, this isn't quite accurate -- while there's no evidence of it being
used as a regular condiment/spread during period, there is clear evidence of
it's use in Anthimus.  He says it's specific to the ill, however.  

Thorgrim of Birka          mka  Brent Kellmer
Madrone, An Tir              brentk at kindredcom.com    

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur. 


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