SC - OOP - Chocolate Bread?

lilinah at lilinah at
Thu Sep 28 11:25:15 PDT 2000

>  >Aye, aye, I'm at work and the book is at home.  I'll post it 
>later.  Briefly,
>>it's from the DAK breadmaker book [the appliance leapt to its doom in the
>>Northridge Quake but I still have the book].  It's the Cocoa Bread with the
>>cocoa and sugar replaced by an equivalent volume of pulverized Mexican
>  >chocolate tablets.
>Selene, the Mexican chocolate tablets.  Are you referring to the ones in
>the yellow and red box? The name excapes me. Leanna

There are a number of brands, several sport yellow and red boxes. One 
well respected, or at least common in the US, is Ibarra. There's also 
Abuelita, and a few others.

They are made for making Mexican hot chocolate drink. The tablets are 
circular, more or less, and are partially scored through. You only 
need a wedge or two for a cup of drink, although i tend to make it by 
the quart :-)

Anahita al-shazhiyya

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