SC - TI article?

Laura C. Minnick lcm at
Fri Sep 8 15:25:17 PDT 2000

"Brian L. Rygg or Laura Barbee-Rygg" wrote:
> I had the same reaction as you, Lainie.  I guess somebody  needs to right an
> article on serving period and period-style foods at an encampment.

Regina suggested that some of us on Cooks' think about writing an
article. There's several levels going on though-

1. the issue of feeding a large amount of troops- it sounds as though
they are trying to put food in with the water and such available from
the waterbearers. They don't do that (that I know of) in An Tir- perhaps
this is a local thing? Around here, the fighters and/or their households
are responsible for themselves.

2. the issue of making fighter-specific menus- do fighters really eay
that differently? And do we know anything about what the troops ate on

3. the whole thing about period food in camp- and for fighters and their
feeders, I suspect the *convenience* factor is a big one. How can we get
across the idea that period food can be as simple and easy as using
dried soup mix? Or can we? Is sekanjabin as easy to make as mixing
gatorade in a plastic bag?
> OT: have you talked to your doctor yet about the Naprosyn?  I wouldn't be
> able to get out of bed without it and the Flexeril.

I can't take Naprosyn. Used to- it took the lining out of my stomach and
having surgery was not fun. Flexeril just puts me to sleep. (I'm *very*
suseptible to anything sleepy-making, and it takes days to get out of my
system). Right now, Ibuprofen and MSM and honoring the nap attacks is
about the best I can do...

But I'm still as fiesty as ever (just ask Seumas!)


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