SC - Accommodating low-carb and other groups at feast (WAS Re: meating a feast) (LONG)

Adler, Chris Chris.Adler at
Fri Apr 6 08:35:16 PDT 2001

>lilinah at wrote:
>>  1/4 c. (or less) Japanese style soy sauce (Chinese soy sauce tastes
>  > different, so if you use it you should probably use less)
>Is there any particular reason why Japanese soy sauce is preferred over
>Indonesian kecap manis (which is a little like Chinese dark or Japanese
>soy sauce mixed with molasses)? Is it simply inappropriate for this
>dish? Or is it assumed kecap manis will be unavailable?

Because they would use kecap asin (salty soy sauce) to make this, 
which is like "regular" soy sauce. Kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) is 
more often used as a dip. Off the top of my head i can't think of 
recipes that use kecap manis to cook with. It's usually used uncooked.

The reason i say Japanese soy sauce is that is what i used when i 
worked up the recipe in the US. I never made these while i lived in 
Indonesia. Some Chinese soy sauces i've had taste like they're made 
with "hydrolized vegetable protein" rather than fermented soy beans, 
so i've tended to avoid them. My problem.

Kecap asin, IIRC and it's been about 20-1/2 years since i lived in 
Indonesia, tastes somewhere between Japanese and Chinese soy sauces 
i've had. So use kecap asin if you can find it, or experiment with a 
blend of Japanese and Chinese soy sauce.

>Adamantius (who has become fond of the fermented bean curd roasted peanuts)

Ok, make with the recipe, please.


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