SC - rice / squash feast - help!!

Jenne Heise jenne at
Tue Apr 10 14:54:40 PDT 2001

- --- Philip & Susan Troy <troy at> wrote:
> The best approach I've found, when seeing people
> making a face at period
> brews, is to say, "Wait. Remember you're drinking a
> medium-dry mead made
> from malt sugar and herbs, not Lone Star [or
> whatever]." 

Hmmmnnn... no mention of honey?  If you can make mead
without honey, I'd imagine cold-fusion is up next on
your agenda, eh?  :)

Seriously, though; In the brews I have had judged, I
always include a sheet of paper (usually
illuminated...gotta score those brown-nose points)
which contains a "character profile", or a brief
description of how the beer will taste, how much
carbonation it will have (most of them have been
'still' beers, though), and a note on clarity (usually
not very).  This gives the judge an opportunity to
prepare themselves for the beer before they taste, and
hopefully removes a lot of preconceived notions.  Does
it work?  I don't know...I have never won.... :)

Balthazar of Blackmoor

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