SC - hardboiled egg food safety guidelines?

Philip & Susan Troy troy at
Fri Apr 20 19:33:00 PDT 2001

Morgana Abbey wrote:
> OK, I'm really at wits' end here, and I want a heads up type of answer.
> (Master A, you're on the opposite end of the state, but the laws and regs
> don't change.)
> I have people here yammering at me that "it's against the law to serve
> game."  They go on more than that, the upshot being that my idea to serve
> a period-style hunters' feast at an archery event is somehow banned by
> Corpora.

Not in my copy of Corpora. Corpora has better taste then to be bogged
down with that sort of minutae. (Titles and such is another matter ;-)
> Since when?  and when did SCA feasts stop being in the same legal
> neighborhood as church suppers?  They are even saying that we have to
> save the barcodes from the canned goods "because someone might get food
> poisoning"

Stuff and nonsense. Someone might choke. You could get hit by a truck in
the parking lot. And _canned goods_? Who uses canned goods? I don't
think I've ever seen a can in an SCA kitchen, with the exception of
garbanzo beans. That stuff tells me that they don't know the kitchen
from a whole in the ground. Which could be bad- you know what happens in
holes in the ground? You don't want to know...
> If any of this is going to be true, I really will shread my membership.
> As it is, I have no desire to do so much as bake muffins for this lot.
> They can eat KFC 'til their arteries implode.

DOn't blame it on the SCA. What you have here is a bunch of Nervous
Nellies and Wussy Willies. And I'll bet you a nickel that they couldn't
give you actual documentation for their 'rules' if you offered them
tickets to Disneyland (but don't- if you have tickets to give away, give
them to me- my kids have never been). 

Do your feat. Feed the masses. Those who are worried can eat elsewhere
and come back for court, when you'll be called up for the delicious
meal. Neener.

Now that I've been terribly awfully silly and a little b*tchy, I'm
throwing my bags in the car and heading south for the weekend- guess
who's in the hospital again? *sigh*

Don't have too much fun without me,


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