SC - Feast

Solstice Studios solstice at
Sun Apr 22 19:08:04 PDT 2001

Stef said.....

> What if you have bad weather and half the folks cancel? Can they get
> their money back? I think it's going to be a long time before
> can/will go to prepaid reservations. :-(

Ahh this is really a geographical issue. An issue we dont have as a
norm. Living in Canada we are always dependant on the weather and
getting around this has been quite easy. Almost all of our events are
indoors so the weather doesn't matter. However there have been a few
camping events I have attended (I dont mind getting wet.  I wont melt,
Im not sweet enough) where attendance is low. At these events however,
feast is generally not served and you are expected to feed

Now having said that, there is the problem of Winter events. A good
wholloping blizzard will prevent even the staunchest of travellers to
rethink the 5 hour+ risk (in my case) of going to an event and so
attendance can get wiped out a little. But with the already paid
feast/site reservations the only financial problem is the site only

Since most events here are held where the majority of population lives
(not me, I live on the far side (east) of my fair Kingdom) being the
hardy, and slightly foolish Canadians we are, we wouldnt think twice
about jumping into the vehicle and wending their way to the event.

So this problem really isn't in evidence here.


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