SC - Re: Wierd but Cool Kitchen Gadgets

Christine Seelye-King kingstaste at
Tue Apr 24 09:46:25 PDT 2001

>My help does not pay.  Period.  They get fed, maybe not on every dish in 
>course of what the Lords And Ladies are eating, but the food is hot, the 
>is good, and they usually get a little goody made just for them.  Selene

That's a good idea. My kitchen help never pays. Shoot,
usually they never get a real meal other than whatever
happens to be brought in for lunch or whatever.

One policy I like to do with servers if I can is to have
them pay half price for the feast. But about an hour or
half an hour before the feast is to be served I like to
have them sat down and fed the feast. This is good for
a few reasons. One is that they actually get fed and so
aren't hungry or grabbing for bits and pieces of the
leftovers. I consider that rather demaning for my help.
Another advantage is that we can show them exactly how we
want the dishes served, portion size, any special presentation,
And third is that they now have an idea about what every
dish tastes like or contains so that they can answer
diners' questions.

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