SC - on table menus

KarenO kareno at
Thu Apr 26 06:53:30 PDT 2001

lilinah at wrote:

> Cheez, youse guys OWN your own serving stuff???!!! You're livin' in
> the lap o' luxury, sheesh.
> We scrounge around for whatever we can find. Wouldn't know what to do
> with stuff even if we owned it.

We also have our own serving fact, most groups in Atlantia have their
own stuff.  When we have a major event with a very large feast, we often share
what we have with the group doing the event.  We have purchased this stuff with
profits from our events.  There are several of us who keep an eye out for the lovely large glass bowls that we purchased for $1.31
each...or the large (2 feet across) armatelle platters that we found in a back
room at the local Sam's Club marked down to $8 each.  Different groups store
their stuff differently.  Most of our Baronial gear lives in my basement!


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