SC - Re: sca-cooks V1 #3126 - coconut opening

Chris Stanifer jugglethis at
Thu Apr 26 10:38:10 PDT 2001

We are pretty laid back here in that we do not give excessive special treatment to royalty-- and this when it occurs is purely ceremonial on special occaisions. We don't even do formal high tables (caerleon sems like the place for a ROUND table :) ).   And we are a relatively new group without a lot of opperating funds, but
even so you can build up a supply of useful tools without too much money a little bit at a time, and it is really worth the effort to do so.

Asking for donations of old garb or feast gear is not that big a deal, and usually theres a few folks that have an old shirt, or old bowls or goblets that they turn in. Some folks hit yard sales and goodwill and figure that a a bucks worth of stuff is a fine enough donation and it adds up!  $20.00 worth of goodwill finds
provides a LOT of gear, and since you are a non profit 501c3 anyone can keep the reciets for their taxes.  We've got all sorts of baskets and woven or wooden bowls, serving trays, etc.  We can serve a feast for 100 with our serving gear it all cost about $30.00!!  Also, you can touch on your local crafters-- they can
advertise their wares by proving 'samples' for the group to use-- say pitchers to serve beverages in. They will end up generating sales, after folks see the stuff in work.

We have started some fundraising that touches on food. We have the "Gourd and Sandal Inn" at every montly tournament and/or war.  We 'sell' for suggested donations wholegrain rolls or bread, cheese (sliced by the grocer), sausages, candy, armored drinks (pop), and other goodies.  Volunteers run the booth, usually the
duchess, or the gentles-in-waiting.  This provides food for hungry folks that is usually cheaper than fast food and more nutritious, and folks like to help out the group by buying it.

We also have a couple of times  year a "Tavern Night" instead of a feast at the monthly tournament. This is where we sell the stuff listed above, and in addition some folks make potluck dishes (period usually) and donates that dish to the tavern.  People can bring their own food if they want, but most choose to purchase the
tavern food because they know its a fundraiser (and tasty too)  During tavern nights we also have alcoholic drinks (card and stamp for age, of course!!) and fancier fare than during the normal vending.  One of the more popular items seems to be Makerouns, a medieval pasta and cheese dish. This goes for a $1.00 a serving and
we didn't have ANY leftovers!

Also during the tavern nights we have entertainment by letting folks get up and do their thing, and present. such as little plays or skits, dances, singing, whatever. We also encourage members to bring in their wares and barter and sell goods, and play medieval board games.

But everything is always "For donation only" with suggested donation prices. (some areas have lisense issues if you SELL the stuff!)   Some folks toss in extra money, some pay less. We even keep bartabs, because we really don't like to see anyone go hungry.  Even though some people eat more than they pay, we not only break
even, we often make a fair profit that goes towards the group.

We plan to outfit our group with several supplies-- music cds, cooking supplies, loaner garb, loaner feast gear, loaner armor, loaner archery equipment and expendable targets, subsidize site fees, etc.

- -Aleska

Cheez, youse guys OWN your own serving stuff???!!! You're livin' in

> the lap o' luxury, sheesh.
> We scrounge around for whatever we can find. Wouldn't know what to do
> with stuff even if we owned it.
> There's no central anything around here. We're laid back around here,
> we just go with the flow. You usually can't tell the dukes from the
> newbies - errr, i don't mean that the way it sounds - i mean, many of
> our royalty just look and act like regular folks - some have to be
> almost forced to wear their crowns, once they aren't K&Q or P&P
> anymore, and most of them don't dress any better than the masses,
> well, except maybe when they were on the throne, but, well, gee, am i
> digging myself into a hole... back to the subject...

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