SC - In need of a documented Rant on "highly spided spoiled food " lilinah at
Fri Apr 27 08:31:34 PDT 2001

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In a message dated 4/26/01 8:40:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
jugglethis at writes:

> >      Claudia Roden, I beleive.... 
> > 
> >      Khadijah
> > 
> We have a winner!  That's the author's name, allright.
> Great book, and a joy to re-create some of the
> recipes.  Are they authentic??  They sure look like
> it, but I'm no expert.

     She specifically states for several recipes that she got the original 
from "Baghdad Cookery Book"... And, does reference the 1939 publication of 
al-Baghdaddi in the back... So, I'm thinking that for those recipes, she's 
probably at least closer than most.
     I've never sat with the two side by side and checked, though...


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<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=2>In a message dated 4/26/01 8:40:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
<BR>jugglethis at writes:
<BR><BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=CITE style="BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">>      Claudia Roden, I beleive.... 
<BR>>      Khadijah
<BR>We have a winner!  That's the author's name, allright.
<BR>Great book, and a joy to re-create some of the
<BR>recipes.  Are they authentic??  They sure look like
<BR>it, but I'm no expert.
<BR>Balthazar of Blackmoor</BLOCKQUOTE>
<BR>     She specifically states for several recipes that she got the original 
<BR>from "Baghdad Cookery Book"... And, does reference the 1939 publication of 
<BR>al-Baghdaddi in the back... So, I'm thinking that for those recipes, she's 
<BR>probably at least closer than most.
<BR>     I've never sat with the two side by side and checked, though...
<BR>     Khadijah</FONT></HTML>

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